Is Your Technology Saving You Time & Money? Why Mac Users Save More Than PC Users

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At TriadMac, we understand that your company’s computers are a fundamental part of your employee’s experience at work. We also understand that time is money and all businesses are looking for ways to reduce costs across the board.  Check out these facts showing the benefits of Mac vs PC:

  • 5% of Mac Users at IBM call the IT Help Desk, while 42% of PC users call for help; and (Source: BGR)
  • Macs tend to be the desired platform and tool among design and creative businesses due to the strength of the applications available for a Mac, versus a PC.  (Source: Computer Weekly)
Our team is dedicated to ensuring that the interaction between your employees and their computers results in a harmonious atmosphere within the workplace. We are specially trained and experienced in “all things Apple”. Our experts are all former Apple employees, so you are in good hands.


Why MACs are a Smart Investment.  The proof is in the numbers.

The incremental purchase price of a MAC pays for itself several times over the life of the device, in reduced support burden.  At IBM, they are seeing ratios beyond the optimal ratio of Support Staff to Employees*:

In a PC Environment the Optimal ratio of support staff to employees is 1:70, the average is 1:242.

With Apple, IBM has been able to achieve an outrageous ratio, 1:5400.

*Source: Gartner Inc., a Technology Research company